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additional services pricelist
additional services pricelist
Ad Banners
US$ 45 +
Ad Banner pricing depends upon several factors.
Please use the following list to identify the services which you will be
Your pricing request can be sent to: tukang@stones.com
- Scanning.
- Photography.
- Animation.
- Size Limitation (kb).
- Pixel Dimensions.
- Message to Communicate.
- Time Frame.
- Your budget. :o)
Logo Design
US$ 90 +
Logo design pricing varies widely.
Please use the following list to identify the services which you will be
Your pricing request can be sent to: tukang@stones.com
- Black and White Version.
- 2D Internet Version.
- 3D Internet Version.
- TIF, EPS or other format ready for commercial printer.
- Transparent Version for Web Page.
- Backgrounds.
- Animated Version.
- Anticipated Application (web site, product packaging, etc.).
- Time Frame.
- Your budget. :o)
Custom Animation
US$ 75 +
Animation pricing is mostly determined by complexity.
Please use the following list to identify the services which you will be needing.
Please provide the exact URL of the page where the animation is to be installed.
Your pricing request can be sent to: tukang@stones.com
- Internet vs. Intranet.
- Maximum File Size Requirement (kb).
- Desired Animated Effect.
- Looping.
- Transparency.
- Color Preferences (RGB, CMYK or image to match).
- Pixel Dimensions.
- Project Scope.
- Time Frame.
- Your budget. :o)
Custom Graphics & Icons
US$ 15 +
Custom graphics and icons are often created in matching sets or
designed to blend well with a site's current graphics.
Please include your site's URL address if appropriate.
Use the following list to identify the services which you will be needing. Your pricing request can be sent to: tukang@stones.com
- Message to Communicate.
- Page/URL to Complement.
- Pixel Dimensions.
- Color Preferences (RGB, CMYK or image to match).
- File Size Limitations (kb).
- Time Frame.
- Your budget. ;o)
If the above does not satisfy your needs, please contact us!
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All other registered and unregistered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Send questions about TukangDesain's Website to tukang@stones.com